? Dayton, Indiana: Ordinance 2023-23 (An Ordinance of the Common Council of the City of Lafayette, Indiana Annexing Certain Territory into the City of Lafayette, Indiana 2023 Lafayette Southeast Voluntary Annexation Carr Family Farm II) – Passed first reading

by | May 10, 2023 | Annexation

? Watch the Lafayette City Council and Public discuss Ordinance 2023-23, which deals with the voluntary annexation of near Dayton, Indiana.

The ordinance passed its first reading 7-0 with Eileen Hession Weiss abstaining from voting.

You can read addition coverage here:

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[Laughter] the next ordinance for first reading is ordinance

17:06 2023-23 in order for the common Council of the city of Lafayette Indiana annexing certain territory in the city

17:11 of Lafayette Indiana 2023 Lafayette Southeast voluntary annexation car Family Farm the second Mr clinker I move

17:20 we’re here ordinance 2023-23 on second reading I’m sorry first reading second

17:26 thank you Mr Riley thank you Kevin Riley with Riley Teeter

17:32 and schreier representing the petitioner I’m standing in for Ryan London who you probably expected to see her tonight he’s over in West Lafayette on a couple

17:39 matters so I’m filling in tonight again representing the petitioner I wanted to

17:44 reiterate that this is a voluntary annexation that’s something the petitioner is pursuing on its own

17:49 volition um you may recall we were here a couple of months ago we withdrew a petition at

17:54 that point because there was a technical issue with what we had filed we have since corrected that issue and we have

18:00 refiled the petitioner here tonight I would say that prior to refiling we did meet with the town of Dayton and their

18:06 attorney met for maybe an hour hour and a half to try to discuss scenarios that would result in

18:12 this property being being annexed into the town of Dayton we were not able to reach any kind of an agreement on that

18:17 we’re just irreconcilable differences at this point um so we went ahead and filed the

18:23 petition um I think there’s been a letter circulator that suggested that

18:29 um we kind of met to check the box that’s not true we met for an hour hour and a half uh the petition was signed

18:35 before we met with Dayton but it was filed after and it was signed prior because we hadn’t agreed to meet at that

18:42 point so that’s the explanation for why the date of the petition was signed prior to that meeting so

18:48 um we think that this request meets all the standards of the statute

18:54 um and we request your approval I’m happy to answer any questions that you have thank you

19:01 comments for questions from Council I have a question um how long

19:06 have you been negotiating with the town of Dayton on this particular sure a little bit of History

19:12 um in December of 21 January of 22 we attended multiple Town Council meetings

19:17 at those meetings we requested that the town signing will serve letter stating that we they would provide sewer and

19:25 water to this site and they would not agree to provide that letter and

19:30 here we are um so it started in 21 22. 21 22. yeah

19:36 so we’ve been we’ve been at this for a while okay yes and so that’s the major reason that okay

19:43 we’ll go to Lafayette and see if we can work out a deal here right we just I mean we we need

19:50 utilities uh Dayton wasn’t willing to provide them to us except on their terms and we

19:56 we wanted to prefer to deal with the city of Lafayette after that okay

20:01 thank you Mr rounding remind me of the date of the rezone to i3

20:06 I’m sorry and at that time of that reason I just

20:12 mentioned that there that the owner at the time the other Farm the the other car entity had rezoned property in

20:19 that area twice before to I3 so this was the third wasn’t the first time they’d done it

20:24 okay yes what is your benefit of coming into the city

20:30 I think um you know the the fire the Tiff district and frankly just with the

20:35 history between the landowner and the town of Dayton our relationship with the

20:41 city is better I mean that’s just to be very blunt about it

20:48 there are other there are other benefits as well but those are the main ones

20:53 other comments or questions and I would note that this property is

20:59 in the county so it is not in the town of Dayton it is in the county that we would be annexing it from in case there was any confusion about that right thank

21:06 you Mr Riley I’ll answer questions from the audience I would like to remind you when you

21:12 approach the microphone that you state your name and address and you also limit your remarks to three minutes

21:19 thank you excuse me Chris moisher um representing the town of Dayton on this matter

21:25 um I actually live in Evansville Indiana I have offices in Indianapolis as well

21:30 um I know I only have three minutes and I want to be I want to make sure that I cover I don’t want to belabor everything that I appreciate you all receiving and

21:37 attention to the emails that we’ve sent you apologize for cluttering your inbox the um I do want to address a couple of

21:44 things that were said uh first I do want to say I mean there’s a lot of history here and it’s not as simple as maybe

21:51 it’s been painted there’s been a lot of back and forth about this property but

21:56 it’s this property has been in the town of Dayton’s master plan and you know that’s a that’s a joint plan with area

22:03 plan the county since 1981 and there’s been a lot of effort since then

22:10 on both sides of the county and the town to preserve that plan and what Dayton has done over the last several years as

22:16 as things have happened against that plan has simply been trying to fight to protect that plan

22:21 this property of butts Dayton um all along Dayton’s Northern boundary

22:27 the car property is probably the you know the third of this area that Dayton is looking to Annex

22:34 um it was looked at in 2019 or discussed with uh the former owner of the Carr

22:41 family llc’s who passed away at some point in there it was it was discussed at that point

22:47 um couldn’t Annex it because you can’t Annex in the year before the decennial census and then

22:53 um you know in 2020 there was the effort to rezone the property over Dayton’s objection to I3

22:59 um Dayton had invested Dayton is it is in Dayton’s utility jurisdiction by agreement with the city and Dayton has

23:06 planned to serve but with as you know with service generally comes annexation

23:12 that’s how when you serve outside your town boundaries you want annexation to come with that and that was not

23:19 something that the owner was willing to do and and that probably led to the the they made a request a blanket request

23:27 for a serve letter indicating the date would agree to serve them Dayton’s always been there ready willing to serve

23:32 the area but there’s a lot that comes with that and so I don’t think it’s fair to say that Dayton refused to provide

23:39 utility service they’ve always been willing they wanted to discuss annexation we did meet

23:45 um last month after this meeting it was a long meeting I there was a lot

23:52 there were the main issues were the rezoning and the zoning and Dayton basically gave on that and said they

23:58 would allow it to come in as industrial no change the only issue that the that was of any lengthy discussion was this

24:06 road and Dayton has been insistent that there not be a through Road

24:11 through Dayton for industrial truck traffic that was the issue Dayton’s certainly

24:17 willing to talk about and consider road going North Road going south and there were plans for a road in the past

24:24 that would connect but that was when this this has always been planned as a non-industrial but more of a mixed use

24:31 commercial residential area and so when that changed my may I sum up because I

24:37 there’s a lot to it I’m more responding now than what I really intended to say but um when that when the zoning changed

24:46 the plans for the road changed and what Dayton has been trying to do is get to a point where we can come to some

24:52 agreement and in that meeting Dayton gave a mile

24:58 and the property owner didn’t give an inch it was I want the road I’m going to go to Lafayette unless I get the road we

25:05 talked about options about how that road could work without connecting or how it might be that it could provide access

25:12 without congestion at the interstate without all of these trucks now being routed through

25:18 Dayton and we left that for further discussion and then the next thing we know the

25:23 petition’s been filed again there was no further follow-up there were no more questions after that the petition was

25:30 filed so that’s why we’re here today and so I know I’m out of my three minutes but I wanted to just remind you I

25:37 mentioned this in a letter and I’ve exchanged emails with your attorney and

25:43 um she can tell you if she agrees or not but I mean this is your decision it is a discretionary decision you can say no

25:51 you don’t have to accept this property into Lafayette and I don’t believe that given the way

25:57 the statutes are structured that the property owner could force you to this is a Monumental I can’t overstate

26:04 to the people of Dayton that this is a Monumental generational decision

26:09 it’s going to impact the talent Dayton forever 10 20 years from now where where is that

26:17 where when we look back on this who’s who’s going to be impacted

26:24 the town of Dayton the town of Dayton residence the town of Dayton’s 40-year growth plan

26:29 out the window for the most part uh the car family LLC will be long gone

26:37 I mean I understand Mr Carr’s interest here made it very clear it’s to sell the property

26:43 to maximize the return on the sale of the property and that’s that’s what’s going to happen

26:49 and I get that I mean you all have dealt with listen good examples rezonings people come in with rezonings and they

26:55 have ideas on how they’re going to best use their property maximize their property you don’t approve everyone there’s times where yeah the property

27:02 owner wants to do one thing that doesn’t meet the overall plan so this has been a long-term effort for

27:09 Dayton to fight and protect its plan they find themselves at this Crossroads

27:14 where despite efforts that’s been rezoned against their will it’s now looking to be annexed the fire issue

27:23 you know the the Lafayette has a ISO rating of two which I read today is six percent I think have an ISO rating of

27:30 two the Sheffield fire department’s three but that’s so that’s real darn good and

27:36 there’s a lot of investment that this is going to happen in Dayton there’d be a lot of investment by the town in

27:41 ensuring that proper fire protection not to mention the agreements the town has with the city

27:47 and we’ve talked with the fire chiefs of of Sheffield and they’re convinced that

27:52 there won’t be any material change or difference in fire protection so that that’s a non-issue the only issue sir

27:57 could you this is like a final closing station so that’s it I apologize for the the additional time I just think you

28:04 know I just want you guys to know the decision you’re making is very important and what the town would like is for you

28:10 to say no and let us get back to working through this ourselves thank you

28:17 um yes I have many people that I know in Dayton and

28:23 um I guess my question would be is we took in Sia many many years ago

28:31 and I think that uh I wish that Dayton would have gotten their stuff together

28:37 and gotten a plan put together to get this done a long time ago so I

28:44 think the fact that these people have come to the city of Lafayette to ask for a voluntarily voluntary annexation

28:51 is because uh they’re systematically been planned all along and I don’t think

28:59 Dayton probably was quite as planned ahead

29:05 and so as I told one of the board members last night we have to do what is best for the

29:13 citizens of Lafayette we can’t they’re the ones that elects

29:18 so I know the mayor asked the cars to go back and talk to the

29:24 board I’m sorry that you couldn’t get things worked out but that doesn’t constitute us to have to step in and say

29:31 oh we need to stop this so I for one uh we’ll be voting for this particular

29:39 thing because I feel like it is in the best interest of the citizens of Lafayette whom we serve

29:48 Madam person I have a question um you mentioned that there were some Dayton planning that they weren’t in

29:55 Dayton at the time as a large land owner in that area that you were planning for

30:01 for the growth where the cars invited to meetings or were they public meetings my understanding is these folks can address

30:08 that the folks from Dayton were involved in that but all along uh particularly leading up to the

30:14 rezoning it the rezoning that was done at the car family they’ve they’ve been the father that was involved at that

30:21 time and there have been discussions all along the way what year was this plan put in place

30:27 when did this start the plan has been in place since 1981

30:34 and then it was amended 87 and it’s been part of the plan and then in 2019 they

30:39 reached out to the Carr family about annexation um it couldn’t Annex at that time and

30:46 then in 2020 that’s when the rezoning happened and then more recently the

30:52 request for the utility service which again

30:58 utility service extension would normally come with annexation and and that’s where you know we want you to provide

31:05 the utilities but we don’t want to Annex into your City or those kinds of things so it’s

31:11 been a long discussion the idea is that and I think in 1995 it was revised yeah

31:17 it’s been revised a number of times it’s been 25 years that’s right

31:23 so why wait 25 years well you wait for

31:28 it I mean you’re you’re basically the utilities get extended when the

31:33 development is ready to occur and the developers generally extend the utilities along with the utility

31:39 extension comes annexation so I mean I’ve done Municipal work for a long time and there are plans now most

31:45 municipalities don’t have the strip the challenge the Dayton has it’s being seen in this situation which is most policies

31:53 I represent are kind of by themselves they’re not tucked in with a larger City so there’s not this corner where you’ve

31:59 got you’re touching both so you you basically take annexation as it comes in as you know the way the statutes are I

32:06 mean I understand we’re asking you all to do something counterintuitive to the way we all think of annexation someone

32:11 is standing here saying please Annex me and we’re asking you to say no to that it’s it’s this Confluence of

32:18 the two lar you know here’s the map and you can very easily see the green the blue is a little harder to see but this

32:24 property’s right in there and so from Dayton’s perspective where does Dayton go after this but there was never I mean

32:31 this has always been part of the comprehensive plan and the idea and it was never really a thought because of

32:37 the utility agreement that this was an option that Lafayette would come in would be it would be looking at annexing

32:43 it and so there wasn’t an urgency um as the property was ready to develop

32:50 they would extend sewer and it would Annex that’s just the way I mean I do a lot of this and that’s the way it’s approached

32:55 so I I’m wondering what a couple years ago they had a big campaign about keeping Dayton small how does that

33:03 doesn’t seem to fit together to me we want to keep it small but then we want to add all this yeah I don’t know I

33:10 don’t know that who that campaign was about or for but it’s not been anything that anybody in the group that I’m

33:17 anybody we’ve discussed there’s been no discussion of keep Dayton small there’s been discussion of

33:24 that being a good quality mixed-use residential

33:30 development it’s in the back door of Dayton and that was the the goal and a desire I

33:37 can’t speak to the keep Dayton small not I’ve not heard that but one other time in a three or four months I’ve been

33:43 involved when this plan was created in the 80s or and revised in the 90s with the

33:48 expectation of the annexation of the car property was that included in the plan at the permission and blessing of the

33:54 Carr family well that’s a good question I mean it’s in like your comprehensive plans I don’t

34:00 know that there’s a consent by you know Property Owners but you know so it was

34:06 more of an expected annexation without discussion with the car family it’s just like I

34:11 I can’t answer that I wasn’t around at that time I just know that as as a municipalities the County government the

34:17 city government the town governments all planned for their future this has been commonly looked at as this is Dayton’s

34:23 growth area this side is 65. add to that the utility agreement and I believe and

34:29 some of these folks can speak to that their conversations with the Carr family all along up until

34:34 two three four years ago have been um

34:40 engaged about annexation being part of that long term sure

34:47 I think the other thing that uh concerns me is uh there’s been a lot in the Press about basically that we’re being the bad

34:54 people here that were you know big big brother coming in and being bad

35:01 neighbors and uh I rather resent that sure location because uh certainly uh

35:08 Dayton and Lafayette have had a good working relationship as well as a county and we’ve done uh really really

35:14 systematic growth in this area and uh so I I hope that that was

35:20 something that was not true because uh we have a wonderful Community around

35:26 here Dayton has a wonderful Community but we have a responsibility to do what what’s better for Citizens here I

35:33 understand and I there’s been no intent to imply or state that lafayette’s being

35:39 anything other than you know yeah there’s a little bit of a big brother little brother and and you as I said in

35:46 the most recent letter you didn’t ask for this this isn’t what you asked for um maybe Dayton’s looking it’s that big

35:53 brother little brother relationship and saying you know this is where

35:58 maybe best thing for everyone the region is to stand by and let Dayton proceed

36:07 with its plans thank you other comments or questions from Council yes one I guess I’m I’m wondering why

36:15 there was not a more aggressive pursuit of this issue well I think 25 years a long time well

36:22 yeah I mean I think that’s that’s fair I think though that you know there was never really any thought that it there

36:28 was there was a possibility of Lafayette the property owner going to Lafayette because of the discussions

36:34 as recently as 2019 Dayton was pursuing annexation with the Carr family and then

36:40 couldn’t do it and then things started changing and I think until

36:46 this last when we learned of the petition that was filed before this recent one that we were here for on

36:52 before that was the first day at any indication that this might be an option so if it may be something they just

36:58 didn’t consider because of the the utility agreement is I think a big part of this because

37:03 implied in that somewhat is when that agreement was put together and go back and look at the minutes I mean

37:09 it was designed Dayton to be able to protect

37:14 the land around it and serve right it’s going to serve that’s again when you

37:19 when you provide utilities as a town or a city you can provide them out of town particularly nowadays when you could you

37:27 know they really strangle you on annexation you’re going to have to provide Utilities in exchange for annexation so

37:33 that utility agreement gave them Comfort because that was the whole goal of the utility agreement was that Dayton would

37:39 be the provider the service provider and have some influence over what occurs out there

37:45 um and we all do that in municipal government you guys do it you have your own comprehensive plan and when you Zone

37:51 when you’re asked to rezone or you’re looking at zoning you have to you have to look at the comprehensive plan and

37:56 you don’t just because the property wants to do a doesn’t mean it’s the right thing that comprehensive plan guides you in your decisions and it’s

38:03 supposed to and that’s the comprehensive plan that Dayton has had so did they sleep on it maybe it sounds like they

38:09 did but they had no reason to believe that they were

38:15 so if we weren’t nestled together like this right that’s what a town would do is say

38:22 when you’re ready to develop you’ll come in I work for a town Town

38:28 Newburgh that didn’t do that and and regrets it because the town 40 000

38:33 people have sewer from Newburgh and the town hasn’t didn’t grow its boundaries and now by Statute we can’t because they

38:38 changed the rules so throughout the public comment this evening

38:45 thank you my name is Mark burmester I live at 264

38:51 Washington Street I am the President of the Dayton Redevelopment commission and I’m also on the town board

38:59 um I was at the meeting we had Mr Carr and

39:05 his attorney and uh I’m kind of shocked that I mean that we’re even here talking about this

39:11 because I thought we made great progress we gave him everything he wanted

39:16 uh he wanted water sewer Fire Protection all those things were taken care of the

39:23 fire protection we had to check about after the meeting but we talked with our guide

39:28 our fire department we have agreement with Lafayette so it’s not an issue it’s

39:33 not like we’re not capable of taking over whatever is going to happen on that property we’ve got Freightliner

39:39 dealership there we’ve got McAllister Machinery there um

39:45 you know we did ask them to Annex their property

39:50 into our town I’ve seen the emails for it it was never replied to but then a month later they went ahead

39:57 and they resumed their property to i3 and um

40:03 so that that was that was kind of a problem but we accept we’ve accepted that you know

40:08 and uh so two years ago uh why didn’t the the

40:15 town agree a couple years ago to give them water well it’s for the same reason that you

40:21 folks haven’t agreed to give Lebanon water right you’d like to know how it’s going to affect you

40:27 and so but you know someday you may decide it’s in your best interest to do that and that’s kind of what we ended up

40:33 at here so we’re willing to we we give them Water and Sewer it’s there it’s already in place

40:39 and we stand ready to give that to them uh Mr Carr had a concern he was concerned we’d take his I3 zoning away

40:46 from him well like I said we’ve accepted that we have no intentions of trying to change

40:51 his zoning to for him so um and then they talk about the road uh

40:59 thing is when they went and did this when they went and rezoned this uh the comprehensive plan at that time said

41:06 that um that area was going to be zoned i1

41:12 and so we went ahead and we started building the road and then they came in uh a month after

41:19 we asked them the annex Annex into the town which we never got replied to

41:25 uh they came in and they rezoned that to i3 and so then the town said well wait a

41:31 minute it’s supposed to been I won why what happened here so Town said well we’re going to pull

41:37 out of this road because that wasn’t what we were building the road for

41:43 so anyhow at the meeting when they did the I3 zoning shoot should make a final closing

41:49 statement please all right so here this is it this is you said that you represent your

41:57 town I represent our town this is very important to the town of Dayton this is

42:03 our our future and uh you know we need you to knock this down now get this over

42:10 with we’re going to deal with Mr Carr he’s going to have everything he wants and we have and we’re staying ready to

42:16 provide it to him thank you

42:26 good evening my name is Cindy Marsh and my husband and I have lived in

42:32 Dayton for 49 years so we’ve been around a while I’m president of the Dayton area

42:37 Community Coalition and my husband Ron Kohler has been an elected official in

42:42 Dayton for nearly 20 years the town of Dayton Tippecanoe County in

42:48 the city of Lafayette have always worked together in a spirit of cooperation but

42:54 that does seem to have changed in recent years thanks to the efforts of one

43:00 person that person convinced area plan commission and the County Commissioners to approve a rezone of his land north of

43:07 Dayton against the recommendation of area plan staff against the specific requirements

43:14 outlined in the land use plans and against the issues the wishes of the

43:19 town of Dayton and although the land use plans specifically call for

43:25 intergovernmental cooperation the County Commissioners and their APC board turned

43:31 their back on Dayton in favor of one man’s Financial Pursuits now you all are

43:37 being asked to do the same it seems intergovernmental cooperation

43:43 could be a thing of the past this Council considers a near-constant

43:49 stream of annexation petitions it holds numerous annexation public hearings and

43:55 votes on dozens and dozens of annexation ordinances there’s no shortage

44:01 of areas for you to Annex the area north of Dayton has always been

44:07 in Dayton’s expansionary and has never been a target of Lafayette until it was brought to you in this petition

44:13 so I ask that you please consider the residents of Dayton that you not turn your back on intergovernmental

44:21 cooperation and please vote no on this petition but because I’ve been around a

44:26 while I can also ask answer some of these questions that have been asked earlier that the town’s attorney

44:34 may not have been aware of for one thing to keep Dayton small had

44:39 nothing to do with the literal size it had to do with the feeling small

44:45 town feeling the small town Aura had nothing to do with being literally

44:53 geographically small not at all not even close that’s something that’s kind of

44:58 been hijacked and distorted by certain people as far as the why the comprehensive plan

45:06 wasn’t updated I can testify right here on a Bible that

45:12 the town of Dayton through multiple Town councils had requested an updated

45:18 comprehensive plan from area plan in the County Commissioners at one point the

45:24 County Commissioners did send a resolution I think it’s I can’t tell you the number but I believe it’s in 2019

45:31 two area plan and Sally Fey at that time said that we were going to wait until

45:39 the annexation was complete the annexation which of course never got completed because

45:45 um that I in my opinion there was a generalized generational change in the

45:52 control of who’s in control of that land and so the whole attitude towards Satan

45:58 changed and um the annexation was never possible after that but it’s not because Dayton

46:05 didn’t try multiple Town councils had asked for updated uh land use plans and

46:12 comprehensive plans and This Town Council finally went out and got their own Grant to be able to get their own

46:18 comprehensive plan and that’s what’s being done right now and that 2030

46:23 comprehensive plan includes this area north of Dayton right now today it’s not

46:30 completed yet I believe June maybe is the last I heard okay

46:37 thank you and um again I just say

46:43 please consider Dayton that’s all I can say and and cooperate with us we’re

46:48 we’re really trying thank you

47:01 hi Jen Manago 625 Harrison Circle in Dayton I have the pleasure of serving as

47:07 the council president in Dayton um uh

47:12 I’ll start with what I was going to say which would suggest that I wanted to reiterate how important this land is to

47:19 Dayton and Dayton’s future and how the impact of what you decide here is going

47:25 to be huge for us but maybe very minor to you while you could get this land

47:31 into Lafayette and there might be some minor um good things that come of it for

47:37 Lafayette the the negative impact to Dayton is so much

47:43 greater than any good that it will bring to you okay that’s what I was gonna say but then I made notes so um what I want

47:50 to say now is um yes again we tried to Annex the town

47:55 tried to Annex it or was in the process of an accident in 2019 couldn’t that couldn’t happen because it was the year

48:01 before the census in 2020 um like Mark said we were ignored when

48:06 we tried to Annex it now you might be wondering well why didn’t you do something about it you just let him ignore you well like Cindy said we gotta

48:12 comprehend we’re getting a comprehensive plan done because we desperately needed an updated one so now you might be

48:18 wondering well it’s 2023. well we’ve been working on this plant and like she said it is almost done it is almost

48:23 finalized and we have started our annexation process not just of the car property but the entire Dayton north um

48:30 annexation area so we are in that process right now and I know some of you are like why have you been waiting 20

48:36 years or 30 years for whatever well because it’s just about agriculture I mean the same reason you have an Annex

48:41 the steel property until now I guess because Now’s the Time right um I think Chris touched on the fire

48:51 um there being no difference I mean Sheffield Township Fire Department is right there in Dayton who’s going to show up if there’s a fire there

48:57 Jeff feels like they’re going to show up um what else

49:03 um I-65 I’m sure you’ve all looked at the map I-65 is such an appropriate border and while Lafayette is on the

49:10 other side of I-65 it doesn’t it 65 is such a huge border

49:16 it just makes sense for that to continue to be the border right um

49:23 um oh the shovel ready the the letter that he’s talking about we refused them

49:29 utilities we have never we have never said no to the utilities I think Mark touched on this what they came to us

49:36 with was a letter because they wanted to participate in the shovel ready program I don’t know if it’s still called shovel ready program but they wanted to

49:42 participate in that have their land ready so that they could promote it as being shovel ready and it would be worth

49:47 a lot more money we simply said you’re not in Dayton we always deal with the end user we’ll continue to deal with the

49:52 end user we did not say no you cannot have utilities that’s our utility jurisdiction there will be utilities

49:57 there but we’ll deal with the end user not sign some blanket paper that says whatever happens there happens

50:04 um okay that’s my time let me just reiterate that this is so important to our future we’ve been planning this and

50:10 planning this and it will have an impact on us for a very long time and this is just

50:16 such a minor thing for Lafayette that I just urge you to please vote

50:22 any other public comment this evening

50:28 Mr Riley did you want to say something I’ll be brave um we asked for well we’ll start a letter

50:34 in 21 22. we don’t have it they say they want to deal with the end user end users don’t want to enter into a purchase

50:41 agreement when they have no idea what utilities are going to be there who’s going to provide them this is why we are

50:47 here they will not but they can say all day long they haven’t refused to provide utilities they haven’t given us the will

50:53 survey letter so I say they have um the thorough FAIR Plan so yoast Road

50:58 it’s true our biggest issue is yoastro they they’re refusing to extend it so that it connects 38 and Hagerty the

51:05 thoroughfare plan calls for that road to connect that plan apparently isn’t as important to them as these other plans

51:11 that they’re talking about that we should file the bottom line is we need we want the yoast road uh connection

51:16 they did not agree to provide that um and additionally they they want us to down Zone the property property Zone I3

51:23 we have a right to develop it as I3 and I mean these are just a few of the reasons why there’s been a breakdown

51:29 we’ve tried for two years to work through this that’s why we’re here

51:40 state your name and address I’m Ron Kohler and I talk the most of

51:46 you up here except one person here and Tony hasn’t got back to me

51:52 I just want to say how why things change you guys wonder why we don’t Annex or previously went after annexation

52:00 everything I’ve been around for 49 years my wife is Cindy and I was the town clerk for 20 or

52:07 town clerk and Council for 20. I said for many years in the back room with Guthrie Carr’s Father Kelly he’s a good

52:15 friend of mine and we sat there and talked for hours after meetings and meetings and meetings he talked about

52:21 the road he talked about the development of that area up there and he never once

52:26 said about large warehousing he always said let’s work together let’s work with Lafayette let’s work with Dayton I’ll

52:33 even provide money for a road and stuff and he he always seemed to indicate he

52:38 liked our planned or land use plan of small businesses of restaurants of parks

52:45 of uh eating Place eating places of housing and everything that could also

52:51 help Sia quite a bit and by the way Sally Faye always told me have you rezoned General businesses and

52:58 stuff you’ll make more money than just I3 but everything Kelly though so Kelly

53:03 always told the board and the old board I I was I’ve been around for 45 years going to the board meetings and every

53:10 board has thought of that area as our area and it’s always been this land’s use of not a lot it never had I3 in it

53:18 so all of a sudden just like you guys didn’t go across the road from SIA when those brothers or whoever

53:26 owned that out of town you guys haven’t pursued that for 30 years all of a sudden know they sell it the guy comes

53:32 to you and now you’re doing something it’s the same way with Guthrie here all of a sudden his dad turns all this

53:39 property over to him like a lot of farmers do and it’s a whole new situation

53:45 Kelly seemed to have some let’s do what’s good for Dayton got there he could care less about Dayton he’s fought

53:51 us at every single meeting that I’ve been there and I’ve never missed a meeting the meeting a couple weeks ago

53:57 the Kona you said we can’t work together how do you know you never even called

54:02 any of us up or talked to anyone who’s on the phone with you and your lawyer that was before the meeting before the

54:08 meeting you haven’t talked to us since that meeting we don’t know to say you

54:13 know so got through that meeting with the council okay you want to address him

54:18 you too sir your time has lasted we should make a final closing but anyway the the thing is here Guthrie changed

54:24 the whole scenario when he didn’t go with annexation we didn’t need to Annex

54:30 before that because Kelly said we’ll do it later when I do something with the land and he never did anything until he

54:36 turned it over here so now all of a sudden it’s a new scenario and it changes the whole thing he’s got I3 in

54:42 there and we don’t want it to be a road way of nothing but trucks are out of

54:47 that North End of SIA coming down our police don’t want it we could have got them here it’ll be a huge bottleneck a

54:55 block and a half away from the interstate and just so you know one thing if you did build your strive and

55:01 it came to 38 it’ll take you it’s two tenths of a mile if you come out that North Gate of SIA

55:07 and you come across the interstate and down the down Yost drive to the interstate it’s two tenths of a mile

55:14 longer than going the other way Veterans Highway was built for the trucks and for

55:19 to get in and out of SIA it wasn’t yoast Drive was not is not meant to be that it

55:25 was the access thank you sir uh uh mold the use area up there

55:31 thank you any other public comment this evening

55:37 any additional comment from Council I have a question I want to make sure I understand this that they would not

55:43 provide the utilities until they knew who was going to purchase the lane correct that’s right they’re one of the

55:49 end user before they would insane well that makes it very difficult to

55:55 sell because okay can develop property if you don’t know what utilities are going to be there right if you don’t have it shovel

56:01 ready it’s very difficult to sell thank you

56:08 other comments from Council well for the question all right for the court please conduct a roll call vote on

56:15 ordinance 2023-23 thank you

56:26 eight to zero thank you

56:31 we do need to set a public hearing for this meeting at the next council meeting in on June

56:41 June 5th at 601 pm thank you Mr Ren all

56:46 those in favor signify by saying aye aye opposed

56:51 thank you we probably should remind them it won’t be on the agenda next month but

56:58 the fiscal plan will be on the agenda next month we will hear this then in July

57:04 so the public hearing will be in June and the ordinance will be on the July agenda

57:10 second reading for this yeah all right on to resolutions first is resolution

57:16 2023-13 a resolution to approve the city of Lafayette Community Department block grant and the Lafayette Housing

57:21 Consortium homes program annual action plan for 2023. Mr Snyder Madam president

57:27 I removed I moved ahead of myself I can’t even start I

57:33 moved here resolution 2023-13 thank you hello hi Michelle Reynolds Lafayette

57:39 Housing Authority so I’m here to ask for your annual approval of the 23 annual action plan for cdbg and home cdbg is

57:46 the Community Development block plant and home is the home investment partnership program just a quick overview applications were

57:53 accepted between January 3rd and February February 6th public meetings we

57:58 had three of those the Lafayette Housing Consortium approved the home funding Awards on March 8th the draft of the

58:05 action plan has been posted to the website since March 29th uh public notice was posted in Journal

58:10 Courier for the 38 Public public period of a comment period and to the state

58:15 there’s no public comment after the after Council approval if I get that the 2023 action plan will be

58:23 submitted to HUD for review and approval uh the cdbg awarded was 675 199 dollars

58:30 and the detail is in exhibit a and then home awarded 1.2 1 million 278

58:35 and 912 dollars and that’s in exhibit B

58:41 thank you comments for questions from Council Madam president yes I would like to recuse myself in consideration this

58:47 ordinance because I am excuse me resolution because I am currently working on a committee for Lafayette

58:54 Urban Minister don’t know what day other comments or questions you found keep up Edward thank you um Mr questions

59:02 from the audience over this resolution seeing none with the clerk fees conduct

59:08 rule call vote on resolution 2023-13 all right

59:14 rental all right William saying hi Dan hi the word is

59:22 passing seven to zero with one abstention thank you on to resolution 2023-14 a resolution authorizing greater