🚫 πŸ“‘ West Lafayette, Indiana: Cell Towers Proposed Tonight and on Agenda for December WLCSC Board of Trustees, 2023-11-13

by | Nov 14, 2023 | Development and Planning, Featured, Parks, WLCSC

Update 2023-12-11: The Board voted against proceeding on hearing more about the cell tower:

At the November 13th WLCSC Board of Trustees, the old, “please let us build a tower on the Public’s land”, presentation came. And, it was entertained at the meeting for informational reasons, with a vote coming at the December 11th meeting.

The proposal sites:

  • WLCSC Athletic Complex
  • Bob Friend Ball Park

More details forthcoming.

Sign the petition against the proposed Cell Towers on the Public’s School Land

Opposition to the Proposed Cell Towers on the Public's WLCSC Land

2 signatures

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Proposal Document