Participatory Traffic Calming Process for Robinson Street

by | Sep 22, 2023 | Development and Planning, Traffic Commission | 3 comments

The community was successful with its petition to create a participatory process for the traffic calming process along Robinson Street.

We have followed up with everyone who signed the petition. If you would like to stay informed, the best way is to sign the petition or fill out the survey below.

The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 28th, 7pm at City Hall.

UPDATE 2023-10-03: The curbs have been painted near each intersection. In total, about 25 parking spaces were removed.

UPDATE 2023-10-02: Additional visibility will be given at intersections along Robinson Street to increase safety. Final numbers of parking spots lost is being asked. There were some changes to the measurements, but the previous estimate was around 25 or so.

Painting, our understanding, should commence tomorrow.

Temporary no parking signs have been taped to large trunk trees, hung on stakes, and zip-tied to poles, sign posts, and smaller trunked trees.

? ? ? Analyze the data!

Help analyze the data from the radar system the City left up for a two weeks after the fatal accident.

2023-08-31 through 2023-09-06 (CSV)

2023-09-08 through 2023-09-15 (CSV)

Find something interesting. Let us know.

Here’s a few graphs based on speed and hours of day:

School Hours, 6am – 8am

Lunch Hours, 11am – 1pm

Speed Groups by Time

✨?✨ New Speed Limit: 25 MPH

During the September 20th, 2023 Traffic Commission meeting, members from the community asked what could be done immediately to address some of their concerns.

Paul Bower moved to reduce the speed of Robinson Street from 30 MPH to 25 MPH. It was unclear who seconded it. And the motion carried unopposed.

The result is that on Friday, September 22nd, the newly updated speed limit was posted along the street.

? Participate and Share Your Input for Traffic Calming Measures Along Robinson Street

Neighbors have created this form to capture your input ahead of the September 28th meeting.

? Sign the Petition for a Participatory Traffic Calming Process

We, the undersigned, demand to have a direct and participatory process created to address the traffic issues along Robinson Street in the New Chauncey Neighborhood of West Lafayette.

A fatal car accident occurred on August 25th, 2023 around 4:17pm involving a southbound car hitting a parked car and then hitting the driver’s side of a northbound semi-truck. This is the latest in a series of accidents, near-misses, and dangerous driving along Robinson Street.

Robinson shares characteristics with many other residential streets in New Chauncey. However, due to its wider, straight layout, it is also traveled by many who treat it as a highway with high speeds and dangerous maneuvers. The current conditions make it difficult to cross on foot, dangerous for cyclists to ride, and hazardous for drivers coming from side streets, pulling in and out of driveways, or parking along the road.

This was a problem even before the recent road construction projects on Happy Hollow and River Road over the last several years. The incidents, however, are more frequent due to them.

There are many solutions and interventions we can take as a community to reduce speeds and require greater awareness when traveling.

To achieve the goal of a safer Robinson Street, New Chauncey residents living on or around the street insist on direct participation throughout the process of reviewing, analyzing, recommending, and deciding on traffic calming measures.

Petition for a Direct and Participatory Process to Calm Traffic on Robinson Street

Hello Greater Lafayette Neighbor,

Thank you for signing the %petition_title% petition. We appreciate your support of a direct, participatory process regarding traffic calming measures along Robinson Street.

If you would like to continuing to contribute, you can do so by:

  • Write an email to City Officials, including the Traffic Commission

Even if you plan on attending the meeting, sharing your thoughts ahead of time is beneficial.

  • Attending the Traffic Commission Meeting on September 20th, 5pm at Margerum City Hall.

The accident and traffic calming measures will be a topic on the agenda. We will also present the petition at this time.

  • Speak at the Traffic Commission Meeting

You have three minutes to speak and being present and sharing your perspective is valuable.

  • Stay Up to Date

You can read the agenda (once posted) here:

Updated information about this special exception will be posted here.

Thank you again for your support. Be sure to share this petition with your friends and neighbors.

%%your signature%%

You can stay informed of more neighborhood news at
68 signatures

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? Additional Coverage

Purdue Exponent: From road to highway

Based in Lafayette: WL lowers speed on Robinson St. after crash kills Purdue student

Purdue Exponent: New Robinson Street speed limit not enough, residents say