Source for the full agenda:
The APC Staff supported the proposed construction of yet another hotel in the West Lafayette hotel district.
From their report:
As for design guidance, according to the plan: “This block, designated Downtown Village, should continue the theme established on Block 46 with the most intense mixed-use development centered on the Brown Street frontage that highlights the pedestrian-oriented environment…”
With the four-level structured parking garage hidden in the building (being integrated into the hotel building itself), the design emphasis of the building is free to focus on the proper pedestrian orientation called for in the plan. The hotel’s lobby and public seating area is centered on the prominent southeast corner of the building opening onto a planned wider, reconstructed streetscape. This emphasis on the southeast corner continues up the building with the fifth floor containing the main amenity spaces and
café/bistro with outdoor patio.Meeting the Downtown Plan’s policy requirements and designed with a strong, urban pedestrian-orientation, this new standard for urban hotels in our community is a welcome addition to West Lafayette’s downtown riverfront.
Approval, contingent on meeting all requirements of UZO 2-28-10 and the following for submission of Final Detailed Plans, signed off by those noted in that section
The AREA PLAN COMMISSION of Tippecanoe County
Notice of Public Hearing Date: May 17, 2023
Time: 6:00pm
Place: County Office Building
Tippecanoe Room
20 North Third Street
Lafayette, Indiana 47901
I. Briefing Session
II. Approval of Minutes
III. New Business
Ratify Administrative Action
IV. Public Hearing
A. Comprehensive Plan Resolution
Per request of the city council, an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan’s Park Recreation and Open Space Plan. This amendment provides for recommendations on new proposed park and trail locations within West Lafayette city limits and its vicinity along with strategies to implement the plan’s recommendations.
Voted 12-Yes and 2-No to continue to the June Ordinance Committee Meeting.
B. Subdivisions
1. S-5123 ARBOR CHASE, SECTION 6, PHASE 2 (Major-preliminary):
Petitioner is seeking preliminary plat approval of a 59-lot single-family residential subdivision on 39.98 acres, located east of the intersection of Westmoreland Drive and Millingden Trail, west of Soldiers Home Road, and south of Lauren Lakes Subdivision, West Lafayette, Wabash 32 (SW) 24-4. CONTINUED FROM THE APRIL 19TH APC MEETING AT PETITIONER’S REQUEST. FIRST CONTINUANCE.
Conditional Primary Approval
14-Yes and 0-No
C. Rezoning Activities
Petitioner is requesting rezoning of 4.72 acres (amended from 10 acres by petitioner on 5/8/23) located adjacent to the west of 601 SR 28 W, approximately 3000’ west of US 231 S near Romney, in Randolph 19 (NW) 21-4. CONTINUED FROM THE MARCH 15TH APC MEETING AT PETITIONER’S REQUEST. FIRST CONTINUANCE.
Vote Results
14-Yes and 0-No
2. Z-2879 SHN HOLDINGS, LLC (332 Brown Street PD)(CBW to PDNR):
Petitioner is requesting rezoning of approximately one acre for a proposed hotel development. The proposed seven-story hotel is planned to contain 149 guest rooms and a 147-space internal, structured parking garage. The property is located at 332 Brown Street, West Lafayette, Wabash 20 (SW) 23-4.
Vote Results
14-Yes and 0-No
3. Z-2880 DON KOEHLER (R1U to NBU):
Petitioner is requesting a rezone of 2.2 acres located on the west side of Dayton Road, south of Walnut Street and north of the railroad tracks, specifically 304 Dayton Road, in the Town of Dayton, Sheffield 9 (NW) 22-3. CONTINUED FROM THE APRIL 19TH APC MEETING AT PETITIONER’S REQUEST. FIRST CONTNUANCE.
Vote Results
14-Yes and 0-No
4. Z-2884 VAN ROOY PROPERTIES, INC. – Russ Seiler (The Uplands at Park East PD)(GB to PDRS):
Petitioner is requesting rezoning of approximately 20 acres for a multi-family apartment development. The proposed multi-building project is planned to contain a maximum of 312 units and approximately 585 surface-lot parking spaces with additional parking in both attached and detached garages. The property is located on the east side of Park East Blvd, just north of the Kettle Circle intersection, Lafayette, Fairfield 25 (NW) 23-4.
Vote Results
14-Yes and 0-No
5. Z-2891 RAMEY MASCREEN (NB to R1):
Petitioner is requesting a rezone of two lots totaling 9.52 acres in area, located on the east side of SR 43 N, south of SR 225 and west of Midnight Drive, specifically replatted Lots 3 and 4 in Mystic Woods subdivision, Tippecanoe 22 (NW) 24-4.
Vote Results
14-Yes and 0-No
V. Administrative Matters
VI. Approval of the June Executive Committee Agenda
VII. Determination of Variances – Area Board of Zoning Appeals
VIII. Director’s Report
IX. Citizens’ Comments and Grievances
X. Adjournment
In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (“ADA”), the Area Plan Commission of Tippecanoe County will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs, or activities. For more information visit