Tippecanoe County Council Minutes, 2023-04-11

by | May 10, 2023 | County Council, Minutes, Tippecanoe

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?Need to get the electronic version of the budget to see the grants that were not spent. Better understand the dormant funds. [Read More]

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Tuesday, April 11, 2023
8:30 a.m.
Tippecanoe Room, Tippecanoe County Office Building
20 N 3rd Street, Lafayette, Indiana
Council members present: President Kevin Underwood, Vice President Jody Hamilton, Barry Richard,
Ben Murray, John Basham, Kathy Vernon, and Lisa Dullum.
Others present: Attorney Doug Masson, Auditor Jennifer Weston, and Recording Secretary Samantha

  1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance

    President Underwood called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
    Il. Auditor’s Financial Report β€” Jennifer Weston
    The 2023 financial statement shows a General Fund beginning net balance of $4,703,547. There were $15,645 total requested from the General fund. There were miscellaneous expenditures paid out totaling $9,633 leaving $4,678,268 available for appropriations.

    The Revenue Report shows 25% of the year complete. There have not been any Property Tax
    collections yet, but the tax bills were sent out last week. Currently 12.6% of the total revenue was
    collected through April. If taxes are disregarded, 31.4 % for the year has been collected.
  2. Auditor Weston referenced the Fund Balance Report and stated there are funds highlighted on the electronic version showing dormant grant funds. These funds were closed out and transferred to either the General fund or department donations funds based on a resolution passed by the Commissioners. There are also dormant funds being appropriated today.

Dormant Funds Transferred

From the Agenda of the Tippecanoe County Commissioner Meeting on April 3rd, 2023.

Over $75K in the dormant funds not used since 2013 – 2019.

Source: AGENDA04032023_2023.03.29 Resolution transferring dormant funds_REVISED 03.30.23.pdf